Don't fall for it

Do you wonder who I really am?
I have tools- tools of seduction
And your mind is my playing field
I suggest to you realities that are untrue
I make you feel inadequate
I tell you why you can’t do it
I make you feel ‘less’ in the presence of other people
I make you feel stifled
I starve your focus while I feed ‘myself’
I know I make you feel lazy sometimes
And now my master tool- I plant a seed of doubt in your mind
Eventually, I make you miss lifetime opportunities

Why you?
You? there is something about you- something MAGNIFICENT
I know you well
I know your potential is LIMITLESS
I know you are STRONGER than me
But I don’t want you to break through me
Because if you do, you will CHANGE THE WORLD

Don’t fall for my tricks
I may appear real but 95% of the time, I am unreal
I am just one envious liar
This is the truth:
That soon or late the man who overcomes me;
Is the man who makes his goal SUPERIOR to me
Is the man who has FAITH
Is the man who finds FOCUS no matter what
Is the man who PREPARES himself at all times
This is ME
My name...... is FEAR!!


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