Take that leap of faith
Imagine a simple life where almost everything is based on one idea or principle. Imagine a life where you can be, do or have anything you desire using just one principle. Imagine a life where almost everything can be overcome or managed using one idea or principle. Can you imagine how easy life will be?

Now, what if I told you that there is a principle like that? Well, the principle is an easy one; one that you have heard several times and that is faith.

FAITH is one of the bullies of FEAR- faith overcomes fear and I will tell you how. In the beginning of the Triple F series, we looked at faith. I asserted that faith is an indispensable rule of life and I also made the point that it takes faith to close the gap between the human potential and great achievement. Most important to our post now I stated: when you have faith, you are able to expect good to happen to you even as you are in the present, and you can smile and be happy in the present because you believe in the brightness of your future.

With the last statement, would you agree with me that faith is a way of predicting the future? It is a way of predicting the future in a positive light because you believe what is coming is excellent even though you haven’t gone into the future to check it out….lol. I want to make another point that fear is the alternative way of predicting the future in a negative light because you expect that something might go wrong. In fact you believe something will go wrong. Most of the fears that limit us are future oriented-they don’t actually exist in the now. Let me digress a bit. Have you ever heard someone say something like: I bet you that it won’t work or trust me it won’t work? Well, I don’t understand how you can put so much trust in the negative and not a little trust in the positive. I would rather believe in a positive future than put all my trust in a negative one.

At this very moment it is my desire that you choose the positive over the negative.  Take this scenario:
You have a talk to give in front of an audience of about 2000 people in your field of expertise. Your track record shows an impeccable delivery in front of an audience of about 500 to 1000 people. Other experts in your field testify to your unquestionable technical expertise. The dicey issue is that despite all your credentials and records, you are afraid to deliver the talk.

Now, the new audience might be more than your past experience. Yes the fear is there, but this fear is unreal (it’s unjustifiable-illusion). This is because your track record points to the fact that you have what it takes to deliver this talk. Under circumstances like this proceed with FAITH. When it comes to the real fear(justifiable) you need something more than yourself. The spiritual perspective below gives a better understanding.

The Spiritual perspective
I have always considered this element of faith a prerequisite for a complete faith. This is the God factor. I believe that after executing the other basis of faith, the God factor makes all the other basis work. What is your spiritual perspective? I am a Christian. The Bible is therefore my source of spiritual principle. You can read the Bible all you can but only faith makes the "word" come alive. God has made several promises through His word that tells us to fear not. But in order to fear not, we need to hold onto those promises with faith. Below is one of those promises.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.- 2 Timothy 1:7

From the scripture above, we learn that we need to awaken and have faith in God’s power in us. Let’s have faith in the promise that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. When Hannah Kozak, stunt double for Angelina Jolie in the movie George Wallace was asked how she overcomes fear before stunts, this is what she said: An unshakeable belief in God imbued in me with an unconquerable belief in myself. I don’t know any best way to overcome the real fear than the God factor. Do you know any other way? Don't hesitate to share it on the blog.

In conclusion, I implore you to choose the positive over the negative- choose FAITH over FEAR and never forget to seek the infinite network (God).

You can check out the featured post on FAITH for a deeper understanding. Once again I believe you are on track in goal-2016. Cheers!



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