A young man once sought the advice of a wise and extremely successful old man. He said to the old man, “You are prosperous, popular and happy. I want to be like you. How do I become like you?” The old man said, “You don’t want to be like me. You want to be prosperous, popular and happy. But you can’t be all that by being like me.” The confused young man asked, “How do you mean?” And the old man finally said, “What you need is freedom. Before you ask me what freedom is, take your leave, go and brood over this piece of advice; ‘WRITE YOUR OWN PRAISES AND HISTORY WILL REMEMBER YOU.’”– from the depths of Noeses.

Almost everyone is searching for the answers; the secrets to living the best life possible. People are looking to different places, looking up to different people and following in the steps of ‘icons’. I think the majority of people are doing the best that they possibly can in searching for the answers; but I hope you haven’t missed the important point. Now, what is this important point? Before I reveal that, please think about and answer the following questions:
1.     What do you want to be in life?
2.      What will you do if you didn’t have to work for money?

Have you answered the questions to your satisfaction? If you haven’t, chances are that you have never really thought about it. If you have, chances are that you were very mature and ‘realistic’ about it. This means that your awareness and consciousness might have played an important role. You might have considered some factors like available jobs, the well-paying jobs, prestige, your responsibilities, your culture and what have you. I will say that you considered the system otherwise known as the current reality. Is there anything wrong with considering all that? Maybe. Do you know why? Right from the first day of your physical life experience, your parents started planting thoughts into your little mind; thoughts about how the world is, about what you can be, about the values and principles that you should hold about life etc... Those thoughts shaped your perspective about life. One very plausible possibility is that your wings of creativity and wild and free thinking were replaced with the status quo during that socialization process. Your true and inner self was probably tamed. And that’s why your answer to the two questions might not be a true reflection.

Now, back to our question; what is this important point? It’s a simple one and that is, “the happy man is a free man. Anyone who has found true progress is doing what he or she loves to do, or loves what he or she is doing. The happy man looks forward to everyday with new expectations. I’m pretty sure if you had your way you would sit your ass on a chair and write all day. Maybe you want to go to space and spend some years. Maybe you just want to make people laugh. Maybe what you really want to do is design special door locks. Maybe you just want to be a social worker. It goes on and on. You are the only one who knows what your soul finds peace doing. Are you doing that right now? When are you going to start doing it?

Following your heart; exercising the freedom to live your best life possible might make you feel different and marginalized. Do you remember that weird guy you met? That guy who would rather not comb his hair; that guy who asks a lot of strange questions; that guy who is not fond of the rules; that guy that despite all that you will admit has something special? That’s how the step to freedom is; it’s a bold one that’s taken by a few people. Don’t be afraid they will forget you. If only you will be bold enough to write your own praises history will remember you. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college to start and build very successful businesses. Steve Jobs dropped out of college when he didn’t know what he wanted to do in life and went on to build Apple by doing all the unconventional things you could possibly think of. Jeff Bezos took to the internet to sell books. Once upon a time, they said humans couldn’t fly. The wright brothers proved that wrong by inventing the airplane. Once upon a time they said it wasn’t possible to separate Siamese twins. Dr. Benjamin Carson defied all medical principles to make that possible. So you see, there are no definite rules. The current rules were made by people who were no smarter than you. You can put a dent in the universe. You can make the world stop for you or you can suffer silently and give great pieces of advice on your death bed. 

We live in an era of speed. Almost everyone is rushing somewhere. For some people, that somewhere is unknown. There is a lot of pressure to succeed and earn a living. As a result, people find themselves doing work they don’t like. According to Gallup incorporated, only 13% of employees in the world are engaged at work. This means that the other 87% are either not engaged or actively disengaged. And since people spend a substantial part of their lives working, the quality of their workplace experience is inevitably reflected in the quality of their lives. This tells you how important it is for you to exercise your freedom when choosing a career path.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.Steve Jobs

If you want to be happy, if you want to live your best life possible and if you want to progress, then your greatest step is true freedom. The freedom to do exactly what your heart desires; what will make your soul happy forever. No one but you can give it to yourself. Claim your freedom; take it. It’s yours and yours only. It’s time to live freely, to flow freely with your soul and spirit. It’s time to write your own praises.

Write your own praises for life is short and you are already naked, so there is no reason not to follow your heart.

Write your own praises for the rules you came to meet were made by people like you.

Write your own praises for if you don’t, other people will pull in and beat you at their own game to make you lose your nerve.

Write your own praises for the Socrates, the Platos, the Aristotles and all the greatest discoverers did the same.

Write your own praises for that’s how more is added to life. That’s how life is made more beautiful.

Write your own praises for in it lies your happiness, best life and progress.

Write your own praises and write it now for the life you are living now is no rehearsal; your time is running.

Write your own praises and history will remember you!!!!

The revelation here is simple; if you want to experience true progress, you need to muster the courage to exercise your freedom. You need to break free from dogma. Simply let yourself loose. Don’t hold back anything. Live each day as if it were your last and declare always; I WILL WRITE MY OWN PRAISES AND HISTORY WILL REMEMBER ME. Cheers!


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